Thursday, December 6, 2012

Public Service Announcement & Posters


 public service announcement is an advertisement that a television or radio station airs for a cause or a charity.
The objective of a public service announcement is to educate and create awareness of significant social issues in an effort to change the public’s attitudes and behaviours and stimulate positive social change. 

Public service announcements (PSA's) can be utilized in three mediums:
  • Newspaper (print PSA's)
  • Radio (audio PSA's); and
  • Television (video PSA's).
Techniques Used in PSA’s
      Humour.  Humour tends to catch one’s attention, especially for kids and teens, but humour may trivialize serious issues.  Sometimes irony (or in its extreme, satire) can be very effective in conveying an important message.
      Shock treatment.  Such campaigns provide a realistic look at an issue, but may turn people off entirely because of their graphic nature. Also, broadcasters may be reluctant to broadcast PSA’s they feel may be too controversial.
      Preaching.  This technique involves an individual or group pleading with an audience for greater awareness of the issue.  Note: there’s a fine line between earnestness and appearing to be patronizing.
      Using a celebrity. Celebrities do get favourable attention, but sometimes people are so distracted by the celebrity they forget the message.

So, Too, Either, Neither


Definition :
The word 'so' and 'too' are useed to combine two positive statement with identical predicates to form a compound sentences.

Formula :
so + auxiliary verb + subject
subject + auxiliary verb + too

Example :
Roy likes playing football. Johan also likes playing football.
Roy likes playing  football and Johan so does Yohanes
Roy likes playing  football and Johan does too 

Either and Neither

The word 'either' and 'neither' to combine two negative statements with identicalpredicates to form a compound sentence.

Subject +  auxiliary verb + not + either

neither + auxiliary verb + subject

      Dora is not doing her homework now. Maya is also not doing her homework.
      Ben  is not doing her homework now and Iqbal is not either
      Ben is not doing his homework now and neither is Iqbal

Definite and Indefinite Pronoun

Definite and Indefinite pronoun
An indefinite pronoun does not refer to any specific person, thing or amount. It is vague and "not definite". Some typical indefinite pronouns are:
all, another, any, anybody/anyone, anything, each, everybody/everyone, everything, few, many, nobody, none, one, several, some, somebody/someone
Note that many indefinite pronouns also function as other parts of speech. Look at "another" in the following sentences:
He has one job in the day and another at night. (pronoun)
I'd like another drink, please. (adjective)
Most indefinite pronouns are either singular or plural. However, some of them can be singular in one context and plural in another. The most common indefinite pronouns are listed below, with examples, as singular, plural or singular/plural.
Notice that a singular pronoun takes a singular verb AND that any personal pronoun should also agree (in number and gender). Look at these examples:
Each of the players has a doctor.
I met two girls. One has given me her phone number.
Similarly, plural pronouns need plural agreement:

Weather Report, Table & Graphs

Standard Competency :
Expressing meaning in short functional text and monologue form of narrative, explanation and discussion in the context of daily life to access knowledge.

Basic Competency :
Revealing the functional meaning of the text and the official unofficial accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of daily life and involves speech acts, to discuss the possibility.

Indicators :
Students are able to:
1.     Identify the ways to describe weather report, tables, graphs and diagram
2.     Get specific information from the weather report, tables, graphs and diagram.
3.     Write simple paragraph (text being learned) from the information provided in the weather report, tables, graphs and diagram given.

Weather  report :
The text is a weather report or weather forecast in spoken form. A weather report is a prediction of weather.
The weather is predicted through application of the principles of physics and meteorology.
Weather report usuallu find in : television , radio , newspapers and BMG office.

A weather report is a bit technical as compared to other report writing you have been practicing earlier. You need to choose words and phrases correctly and present the information gathered in the language of meteorologists.


                Transitions words are certain words, expressions, or other devices that give text or speech greater cohesion by making it more explicit, or signaling, how ideas are meant by the writer or speaker to relate to one another. These are words and phrases that serve as bridges from one idea to the next, one sentence to the next, or one paragraph to the next. They keep the reader from having to find his or her own way and possibly getting lost in the reading.

Transitions can be placed:
§  At the beginning of a clause and thus create a compound sentence, as in
I really thought I would win the family basketball pool; however, I made some poor choices.
  • At the beginning of a sentence
    However, it would seem that my son will win all the prizes.\
  • At the end of the sentence
    Chris could keep all the prizes for himself, of course.
§  Within the sentence
He told me, however, that he would share his prize with me.

Transitions position:
v  Transition word + subject + verb
v  Subject + transition word + verb
v  Subject + verb + transition word

Types of transitions:
*      Illustration  : specifically, such as.
*      Contrast: however, nevertheless, conversely, contrarily.
*      Addition: in addition, beside, moreover, further.
*      Time : after, then, finally, next, last.
*      Space: above, below, beneath.
*      Concession: although, even though, of course, at least.
*      Similarity or comparison: similarly, likewise.
*      Emphasis: above all, indeed, truly, furthermore.
*      Details : in particular, specifically, especially, namely.
*      Examples : for instance, for example, thus.
*      Consequence or result : consequently, hence, therefore, accordingly.
*      Summary : in conclusion, consequently, therefore, finally.
*      Suggestion  : to the end, therefore, for this purpose.
Transitions in text:
Descriptive: above, under, near by, among, further, below.
Narrative : after, afterward, later, finally, one day, once.
Expository: in addition, furthermore, moreover, therefore, however, although, consequently.

1. He is sick. Therefore, he can’t come. 
2. It is raining hard. Furthermore, Ryan’s house is a long way from school.
3. The test was difficult. In addition, the time was also limited.
4. Marry can read Spanish. However, she can’t speak it.

Hortatory Exposition

Standard Competence :
       Understanding the meaning of short functional text and simple monologue and dialogue in the form of narrative ,report, spoof ,analytical exposition, and hortatory exposition in daily life.
       Expressing the meaning of transactional and interpersonal dialogue and monologue in daily life
       Understanding the meaning of short functional text and simple essay in the form of narrative, report, spoof, analytical exposition, and hortatory exposition in daily life
       Expressing the meaning short functional text  and simple essay in the form of narrative , report, spoof, analytical exposition, and  hortatory exposition in daily life
Basic Competence :
       Responding to a hortatory exposition text
       Expressing a hortatory exposition text
       Reading a hortatory exposition text
       Writing a hortatory exposition text
Indicators :
          Brainstorm the ideas
          Get specific information from the hortatory exposition text
          Write a hortatory exposition text with well and correct generic structure
Definition : 
            Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to persuade the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done.
            Hortatory is similar to analytical exposition but if we have to differentiate both from one to each other, we have one useful tool by making analysis on the generic structure. What makes hortatory different from analytical exposition is the last finalizing step which analytical exposition is ended by a reiteration while hortatory is finalized by certain a recommendation. 
Social Function :
          To persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case
Language Feature of Hortatory Exposition Text :
1)    Focusing on the writer
2)   Using action verb
3)   Using modal adverb; certainly, surely, etc
4)   Using temporal connective; firstly, secondly, however, therefore, etc)
5)   Using evaluative words; important, valuable, trustworthy, etc
6)   Using passive voice
7)   Using simple present tense
8)   The use of modals and adverbs (e.g. may, must, should, etc)
9)   The use of emotive words (e.g. worried, alarmed etc)
10) The use of words that qualify statements (e.g. usual, probably etc)
11)  The use of subjective opinions using pronouns I and we
Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition Text :
1)    Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern
2)   Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation
3)   Recommendation : Statement of what should or should not happen or be done based on the given arguments
Example of Hortatory Exposition Text
Mobile Phones Should Not be Banned in School [Tittle]
            Mobile phones is not used just for calling, but sending text, taking pictures, accessing internet, and much more. Many students bring their phones to school. For them, mobile phone has many uses. So, mobile phones should not be banned in school. Why do I said that? [Thesis]
       Firstly, students call their parents for other needs. By mobile phone, student can call or their close relative if they need something to be brought to school. In addition, mobile phone can be used to call their children when one of their family were hit by disasters suddenly. And then, student can called their parent to pick her up when want to go home. [Arguments]
       Secondly, increased of knowledge among students. When trying to find answer of difficult task at school, mobile phone can be used as a connecting to search the answer through GPRS or WiFi networks. [Arguments]
       Finally, expand the network of friendship among students. School is the right place to find friend. Average, student been at school about 7 hours or more. So that, a lot of students found their friend in the school environment . Therefore, communication between friends should be kept on of which using a mobile phone. [Arguments]
       So, I think mobile phone should not be banned in school. But, use your phone in the time and right place so that no one was disturbed. [Recommendation]
